Parasail Cost Estimator

01. Introduction

The goal of the project was to create an app that helps people easily understand their medical benefits. Parasail Health’s mission is to provide users with tools to help manage their growing medical bills.
Client: Parasail Health Inc.
Services: UX & UI design, Visual Design
Role Senior UI designer
Final App Prototype

02. Research & Insights

Having a limited background on the health insurance industry, I performed extensive research, including reviewing industry reports and conducting user interviews, to gain the necessary foundation for the project.

After conducting user tests on an older prototype, I found the following pain points for users.
1) The user had a difficult time intuitively starting the app.
2) Users did not understand the data on the user interface.
3) Most users lacked basic understanding of health insurance.

03. Ideation

In the ideation phase of the process, I focused on brainstorming various data visualization sequences that address the previously identified three problem areas.

Concept Sketches for Understanding the Data

04. Low to Mid Fidelity Prototypes

Using the concepts from the ideation phase, I created wireframes and conducted user testing on the prototypes. Through this iterative process, I discovered the following, which were incorporated into the final product:

1) Users had the easiest time understanding their insurance with visual charts and graphs.

2) Providing information to users in multiple steps provided optimal results.

3) An overlay feature to explain insurance jargon proved helpful to users with little knowledge of insurance.

User Flow & Wireframes

05. Estimator Mode

In the visual design step of the process, we came up with an idea called the “estimator mode”. This mode would help users visualize how their insurance would be affected if they underwent various common medical procedures and scenarios. After testing, this feature proved to be a quick and effective way for users to quickly understand and estimate the relationship between medical costs and their insurance benefits.

Estimator Mode